Posts in Culture
Alternative Foods: What’s For Dinner in 2050?

A glimpse into the world of only drinking Soylent for a month and edible insects - from someone who has tried it.

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Dr. Mark Hyman Paves the Way For Change with FOOD: What The Heck Should I Eat?

A discussion of our nation's fixation with fads and diets that are no healthier than their stereotypically unhealthy counterparts in this exclusive interview with Dr. Hyman.

Dr. Hyman is the director of the Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine and a best-selling author.

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Youtubers: Challenging the Traditional 9-5

With individuals foregoing college and making millions, is Youtube a sustainable career platform worth pursuing?

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Ashley Wagner and Olympic Ads

Should companies still run ads of athletes who don't end up qualifying for the Olympic team?

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Reeling in on Independent Films

Independent films are not produced with the intention to become “Oscar bait” but instead, they offer plenty of playfulness with new ideas and techniques, sometimes pioneering modes of filmmaking. It becomes imperative, then, to preserve and recognize this subset of films.

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Mind Your Mental Wellness

A look into the increasing demand for "mindfulness" opportunities and how social entrepreneurs, technology, and colleges are responding. 

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Kayla Itsines: Collectivizing The E-Training Industry

Kayla Itsines, the "instafamous" fitness trainer, uses social media to not only strengthen her brand but also create a support group and community of followers who lead healthier lifestyles through her 28-minute workout circuits.

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The “French Elvis”

Johnny Hallyday’s music was a hit because he was part of the French New Wave, one after the destruction and low morale of the second world war, which looked up to American culture, such as pulp fiction and Elvis.

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