Posts tagged fast fashion
Production and Accountability: How COVID-19 is Revealing Flaws in the Fast Fashion Industry

Since June, hundreds of garment workers, working for fast fashion companies such as H&M in countries like India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar, have been protesting layoffs due to overproduction during COVID-19. Because of fluctuations in the supply chain and product consumption, the pandemic has also heightened pre existing issues such as unfair wages and long working hours. Summer Journalism Fellow Maryam Gamar also analyzes H&M’s response to these protests, especially since H&M has advertised its efforts to relieve the effects of COVID-19 on vulnerable communities.

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In the Fashion Industry, Woke is the New Black

As glamorous as the world of fashion may seem, there are many serious issues that plague the industry. Only through making drastic changes that keep the plight of other humans and the Earth in mind can companies start to create a more positive impact in the world of fashion.

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Green Is The New Black

In recent years, consumers have called for companies to focus more on sustainable fashion rather than fast-fashion. A study administered by the International Association for Research and Testing in the Field of Textile Ecology, found that “60 percent of millennials are interested in certified sustainable clothing.” However, only 37 percent of millennials actually purchase sustainable goods.

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